Privacy Policy

NOME DA EMPRESA., registered under CNPJ 00.000.000/0001-00, located at Av. Nova Cantareira, 823, Tucuruvi, São Paulo – SP, CEP: 02331-001, is responsible for the collection and processing of personal data from users of this website, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).


      1. Collection of Personal Data

    1.1. Users’ personal data may be collected through contact forms, registrations, interactions with the website, or other forms of communication.

    1.2. The collected personal data may include information such as name, address, email, and phone number.

    1.3. Personal data will be collected with the express consent of the user, and its provision is voluntary. The user has the right to revoke consent at any time.


        1. Use of Personal Data

      2.1. The collected personal data will be used to respond to contact requests, provide information about products or services, personalize the user’s experience, among other purposes.

      2.2. Personal data will be securely stored and will only be used for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.


          1. Sharing of Personal Data

        3.1. Users’ personal data will not be shared with third parties, except in cases of service provision, service providers, business partners, and legal authorities.


            1. User Rights

          4.1. The user has the right to request access to their personal data, rectification, deletion, or restriction of its use, as well as data portability.

          4.2. The user can exercise their rights by contacting the Data Controller, listed at the end of this document, via email or phone.


              1. Security Measures

            5.1. Our company adopts appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect users’ personal data against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.


                1. Changes to this

                  Privacy Policy

              6.1. This Privacy Policy may be periodically updated, and it is recommended that users regularly consult it to be aware of any changes.

              By using this website, the user declares to be aware of and agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

              Data Controller:
              August 01, 2023.

              Got any questions?

              Fill out the form on the side and wait a return from a counter.

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